Can Money Truly Buy Happiness?


By Alexander Mils on Unsplash

     The phrase, “money can/can’t buy happiness” is a saying I always heard from my family growing up. I believe that pure happiness comes from within, rather than possessions that can be bought. Happiness is a state of mind that is short-lived when you rely on items or a number in your bank account for your satisfaction.  

     Being wealthy and “happy” versus being genuinely happy are two types of happiness. Being wealthy and having a lot of material goods can make you believe you are happy because you can go out with friends or go out to eat and shop frequently; without worrying about finances. While being truly happy in life comes from love and the fulfillment of our internal capabilities. However, according to psychology, there are four levels of happiness studied. 

     The first level, Laetus; happiness from material objects. The initial joy felt when buying the product will fade once you find something else the next time you go out, or online shop. That item you bought will become another object in your home, cluttering your space until it is replaced with another product.  

     Once you allow money to be your source of joy, you will never truly be satisfied. Instead, it is a placebo effect placed upon yourself. You buy, buy, buy constantly in order to continue being “happy.” You will always want the latest and greatest, while the original item becomes old and used.  

     The second level, Felix; ego gratification. This comes from comparison between yourself and the others around you, whether or not you are better or more admired than them.  

     If you have more money shown in your account than your significant other, your ego could get in the way of your relationship. The constant comparison between you and others will become unstable, as you cannot win everything in life, but also can lead to frustration, jealousy, and oppression of others. 

     The third level, Beatitudo; the happiness from doing good for others and making the world a better place.  

     The opposite from the second level Felix, this type of happiness comes from a human desire for connection, compassion, friendship, and unity. Doing what is best for not just yourself, but the people surrounding you each day. Doing what feels like a small favor or compliment for a stranger in public could absolutely make their day. Not only will it brighten their day, but it also gives you a sense of joy and connection as well.  

     The fourth and final level, Sublime Beatitudo; ultimate, perfect happiness. Ultimate happiness cannot be defined in one way, but it is a search for perfection. It is a call for the ultimate happiness and connection, something money can never truly give any person. Instead, each individual person finds their sublime beatitudo by answering a big question in life, religion, philosophy, art, etc. This comes down to the experiences a person has, rather than the amount of money they make or inherit.  

     Happiness overall can be defined as an enduring state of mind consisting not only of feelings of joy, contentment, and other positive emotions, but also the sense that one’s life is meaningful and valued. 

     Money is a tool in your life; if you use it correctly it can positively impact your life. If you use money to buy an experience, you will have memories you can look back on and value for years in the future. But money can only buy so many items in your life for so long. As money cannot truly buy pure happiness.