The invisible thread that connects Schroff to Sequoyah


Bestselling author of An Invisible Thread Laura Schroff is coming to Sequoyah on Feb.12. She will be speaking to students of all grade levels. 

Schroff is known to have a passionate and compelling voice when speaking about kindness and human connections. 

Her book is a true story about how she finds a homeless child and saves him from a life of poverty and possibly crime. Sophomore Teagan Harris read An Invisible Thread with her literature class and enjoyed it. 

“[The story] is about a homeless boy whose name is Maurice,” Harris said. “He was homeless his whole life with his whole family. He met this lady [named] Laura. He was sitting on the ground, begging for money. She walks past him and realizes that he’s homeless. She felt a pressure that she needed to go back and talk to this boy. She goes and buys him lunch, and ever since that day, they have met every single day on a Monday to go get lunch. They’ve been friends ever since then.” 

Harris recommends this book to anyone who is looking for a touching story about the value of being kind. 

“This book is incredible,” Harris said. “If you haven’t read this book then what are you doing? I don’t even like reading that much, and this book is something that I would read over and over again. That’s how good it was.” 

English teacher Kristy Lingerfelt reached out to Schroff through Facebook and email. She wanted to see if it would be possible for her to do a video chat with the students so the students could have the chance to talk to her. After accepting her friend request and emailing back and forth, Schroff offered to visit the school to speak with the students. 

Lingerfelt said that Schroff is going to talk about her experience with Maurice and how it has affected her since the books is about how Schroff helps a child struggling with poverty. 

“I think Schroff is going to talk about the importance of kindness and how being kind can have a large effect on others,” Lingerfelt said. 

Schroff has published other books including An Invisible Thread Christmas Story and Angels on Earth. 

Schroff will be answering any questions the students may have for her and will be signing copies of the book. Students are encouraged to bring their copies of An Invisible Thread for her to autograph.